Sunday, April 27, 2008

Imperium and Dominion establish 'Hot Line'.

-- Imperial News Service

The Governments of the Imperium of DeWaCo Estates, and the Dominion of British West Florida, have formally established a joint communications network, which will
operate two digital USB webcams; which will allow the two micro-governments to conduct live VideoConferences / VideoSummits between each other; as well as with other
micronations which operate similar / compatible communication systems.

The equipment has been purchased, and the installations will take place within the week; provided that all priorities and schedules remain as is, and are not amended.

The Imperium-Dominion TeleCommunications Trade Agreement is the cornerstone to the establishment of what will eventually be the Imperium-Dominion TeleCommunications Network / I.D.T.N.; which will one day eliminate the current land-line TeleSummits / TeleConferences which the Imperium and Dominion have conducted
between the two micronations for several years.

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